
Saturday, March 28, 2015

Important vaccinations for children

Why give certain vaccinations to our children?

Vaccinations can help prevent 12 potentially seriousdiseases in children.  These are mumps, measles, rubella or German measles, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, chicken pox, haemophilus influenza type b, hepatitis B, hepatitis A, and pneumococcal disease.  There are several combination vaccines which can be given in a single vaccination, reducing the total number of shots required to completely vaccinate a child.  The primary care physicians at Germantown Primary Care Associates will help you decide when the best time is to vaccinate your child.

How early should certain vaccinations be given?

Some of these diseases are much more serious if contracted by an infant or young child.  Others are common in childhood, so early vaccination helps develop immunity in children before they get the disease.  The recommended ages for certain vaccinations to be given are determined to provide the child the best and earliest protection against the disease.

How safe are these vaccinations?

These vaccinations are very safe, but just like any other medication, they may occasionally cause a reaction.  Most reactions are mild, such as a slightfever or a sore arm and while rare, more serious reactions can occur.  Most childhood vaccinations will give immunity to between 90 and 99 percent of the children who receive them.  Occasionally a child may not respond to a vaccination.   This is one of the reasons that is it important to vaccinate all children.  The child who did not respond to the vaccination by creating immunity will be depending upon the vaccinated children around her for protection.  It is best to discuss all of these details with your primary care physician at Germantown Primary Care Associates in Germantown, Maryland.

The primary care physicians at Germantown Primary Care Associates in Germantown, Maryland can provide the right vaccinations to protect your child.  

Injury treatment and prevention of common sports injuries

injury treatment
What you need to know about sports injury treatment and prevention

If you are a weekend warrior, you may find yourself in need of sports injury treatment.  There are a few injuries which tend to be very common among weekend athletes.  These are ankle sprains, hamstring sprains, groin pulls, shin splints, tennis elbow and knee injuries, typically either an ACL tear or pain from repetitive movement.  Primary Care Associates in Germantown, Maryland can provide any sports injury treatment you may need.

Sports injury prevention

Sometimes it may be impossible to prevent a sports injury.  Most of the time, however prior preparation can help keep an injury from happening.  Never start playing a sport without warming up first.  Warming up helps increase the blood flow to your muscles making them more pliable and flexible and preventing injury.  It is also important to recognize when you are used up and should stop.  Sports injury treatment can be prevented with a little warm up before beginning a sport.

When you need sports injury treatment

If the injury is mild or moderate, you may be able to treat it at home.   If the sports injury is severe, such as a torn ligament or tendon, it may require surgery to completely repair it.  Any type of sports injury, especially a strain or sprain can take a long time to heal.  The primary care physicians at Primary Care Associates can determine which treatment is best for more severe sports injuries. 

Be sure to prepare for your weekend athletic endeavor so you do not end up needing sports injury treatment.  If you do, call Germantown Primary Care Associates in Germantown, Maryland for the best sports injury treatment and care. 

Friday, March 20, 2015

How to choose a primary care doctor

primary care
What is a primary care physician?

Primary care physicians are much like the earlier family care doctors who treat everyone in the family and know all their medical histories.   Primary care doctors do not specialize in a specific medical area, but help their patients maintain their overall health and wellness by focusing on preventive care. 

What type of doctor can be a primary care doctor?

There are usually three medical specialties which can also be primary care doctors.  These include the family or general practice physician, the internal medicine physician and pediatricians.  The primary care physicians at Germantown Primary Care Associates possess a wide range of expertise and skills and can treat everyone in the family.

How to locate a primary care doctor

This is not something you should do lightly.  It is important to research possible primary care doctors to ensure you find the right doctor for you and your family.  First, check your health insurance plan.  They will usually have a list of doctors who are taking new patients and are in your network.  If you are moving, ask your current doctor for recommendations and even referrals. Check with your local hospital to see if they have a referral service. 

Why designate a primary care doctor?

These physicians see their patients regularly and are trained to look for symptoms which the patient may not notice.  Many times, patients do not notice when they develop a health problem and it can go for years without treatment resulting in a serious chronic health issue.

The primary care physicians at Germantown Primary Care Associates work to develop a relationship with their patient in order to keep illness at bay.  Give them a call today to set up your primary care appointment.

Certain medical conditions identified during an immigration physical exam can make you ineligible for a green card

immigration physical exam
What the immigration physical exam looks for

During an immigration physical exam the civil surgeon or examining physician is looking for certain conditions which can make you ineligible for your green card.  These conditions include:

·         A physical or mental disorder, along with a history of behavior that is associated with this disorder which may pose or already has posed a threat to the safety, property, or welfare of yourself or others and where this behavior seems likely to recur and lead to other types of harmful behavior.
·         A physical or mental disorder, along with a history of behavior that is associated with the disorder and which may pose or already has posed a threat to the safety, property, or welfare of either yourself or others.
·         A communicable disease which is considered to have public health significance.  The primary diseases an immigration physical exam looks for are active tuberculosis, infection leprosy, and venereal diseases. 
·         Addiction to or abuse of drugs.

Germantown Primary Care Associates in Germantown, Maryland can provide you a complete immigration physical exam.  Dr. Manbir Takhar, the Chief Medical Officer at Germantown Primary Care Associates is an appointed U.S. Civil Surgeon, authorized to conduct immigration physical exams.

How to submit your immigration physical exam results

If you are still overseas when applying for your green card provide your documentation to the U.S. consulate or to the U.S. embassy. 

If you are already in the United States, your immigration physical exam physician will complete the Form I-693 and give it to you in a sealed envelope.  Do not open this envelope, but take it with you to USCIS when you have your green card interview. 

Germantown Primary Care Associates in Germantown, Maryland provide the best primary care in the area.  They can also help your with your immigration physical exam, so give them a call today.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

How to know when to see a doctor for the flu or a cold

flu shot for the flu
When to see a doctor if you think you have a cold or the flu

If you have a cold, you probably do not need to see a doctor, but if that cold turns into the flu or pneumonia, then you absolutely should visit the primary care clinic or an urgent care.  Some people are more at risk if they develop the flu.  These include older people and infants.  Also anyone who has an underlying medical condition which may make them vulnerable to other types of diseases.

When to see a doctor if you are experiencing any of these symptoms

Colds typically do not cause fever or headaches, but the flu will.  If you are running a fever, feel achy or have a headache, these are all signs of when to see a doctor.  If, after 24 hours, your symptoms have not improved, it is time to visit the doctor.  Germantown Primary Care Associates in Germantown, Maryland can treat your flu symptoms and may prescribe certain medications.  Drink plenty of clear fluids and water so you stay hydrated.  This is especially important if you are experiencing diarrhea or vomiting. 

If you are having trouble breathing or are experiencing chest pain, you may have a more serious condition which need to be treated immediately.  If your fever does not abate, this may be a sign of something more serious, such as an infection.  If it hurts to swallow or you cannot get rid of a cough, you should make an appointment with your primary care physician

Germantown Primary Care Associates in Germantown, Maryland and their excellent medical staff can treat these and many other symptoms and medical conditions.  Give them a call when you need to see a doctor for the cold or flu. 

What your primary care physician will do during annual physicals

physical exam
Annual physicals basics

Annual physicals help reassure us that we are healthy.  Sometimes, we get annual physicals to determine if there is a problem and catch it before it becomes serious.  Germantown Primary Care Associates in Germantown, Maryland and their staff of physicians provide annual physicals, as well as physicals for sports and immigration. 

What to expect during annual physicals

Most physicians will spend time listening to your concerns and answering any questions you may have.  During annual physicals, your doctor will typically ask about your medical history and if you have any particular complaints or concerns.  The doctor may ask you about lifestyle issues such as smoking, sexual health, alcohol intake, exercise and diet.  They may also check on your vaccinations and update your personal and family medical history. 

What physicians do during annual physicals

Your primary care doctor will take your vital signs including your blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature and respiration rate.  The physicians at Germantown Primary Care Associates spend time observing their patients and talking with them.  They may ask about your memory and test your mental quickness.  They will observe you to see if your skin appears healthy and if you are able to easily walk and stand.  The physician will also do a heart exam, listening to your heart with a stethoscope.  This is to check for irregular heartbeats or a heart murmur.  The doctor may also do a lung exam, again using a stethoscope to listen for wheezes, crackles, or sounds of decreased breathing.

The primary care physicians at Germantown Primary Care Associates can perform annual physicals on anyone at their in Germantown, Maryland. When you need an annual physical, schedule an appointment to see your primary care physician at Germantown Primary Care Associates. 

Saturday, March 7, 2015

The best way to obtain your medical reports and records when you receive work injury treatment

work injury treatment
You will need to obtain your medical reports and records for work injury treatment

You should always ensure your work injury treatment is documented in your medical records.  This includes any and all treatment received from a physician or at a hospital.  Germantown Primary Care Associates in Germantown, Maryland are experts at providing work injury treatment and will ensure all medical records and reports are complete.  To help protect your work injury claim, it is also important that you keep a comprehensive list of any physicians or other medical providers who treated your work injury.    

When your work injury treatment is complete, you will then meet with an independent medical examiner to be examined and interviewed.  This same medical examiner will also examine your medical records and reports.  They will then use this information to determine if you have a permanent disability caused by your work injury.

How to request your medical reports and medical records

Before you can make an appointment with the medical examiner you must request copies of all of your work injury treatment medicalreports and medical records.  Germantown Primary Care Associates keeps all of your work injury treatment records readily available so you can get copies any time you need them.

How to get your own copy of your work injury treatment medical records

Following each appointment for work injury treatment, request a copy after each appointment and/or medical test.  When Germantown Primary Care Associates provides work injury treatment, you may ask for a copy of your medical records after your appointment. 

Germantown Primary Care Associates in Germantown, Maryland provide comprehensive work injury treatment.  Give them a call to schedule your work injurytreatment appointment today. 

Finding the best clinical health care

clinical health care
What clinical health care consists of

Primary clinical health care consists of the first element of the continuing health care process.  The first point of entry for patients entering the health care system is primary clinical health care. These physicians include general practitioners, internists, or family practice physicians.  The physicians at Germantown Primary Care Associates in Germantown, Maryland are internal medicine and family practice doctors. 

What is included in clinical health care

Patients arrive at a primary clinical health care facility for immediate medical treatment or looking for ways to increase their optimal overall health.  Clinical health care physicians also treat chronic and acute physical health issues, including any type of chronic disease meaning a clinical health or primary care physician must have a very wide breadth of knowledge in many areas of medicine and general overall wellness. 

What conditions a clinical health care provider can treat

Primary clinical care physicians can treat a wide variety of medical conditions, including diabetes, hypertension, asthma, depression/anxiety, COPD, arthritis, back pain and thyroid problems.  Clinical health care can also include prenatal and maternity care, as well as pediatric care.  It may also include vaccinations and family planning services. 

The primary clinical health care physicians at Germantown Primary Care Associates can also evaluate and treat heart conditions, lung disorders as well as high cholesterol and blood pressure.  They will also perform pregnancy tests, pap smears, breast exams, prostate exams and physical exams for school, immigration, and sports.  These physicians also provide all vaccinations and wellness checks for children. 

Germantown Primary Care Associates and their medical providers treat all ages.  Our type of primary clinical health care clinic is considered the entry point for medical diagnosis and treatment.  Germantown Primary Care Associates in Germantown, Maryland can meet all your clinical health care needs, so give them a call today. 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Measles vaccinations are important for disease prevention

Measles vaccinations facts

Recently, there has been increased attention on measles vaccinations.  A measles outbreak at Disneyland brought this topic to the forefront of the vaccinations discussion. Measles can be prevented by measles vaccinations and any person not immunized against measles is at risk and they also put others at risk. Germantown Primary Care Associates recommends children get the two-dose measles vaccination after one year of age.

The only way to prevent the spread of measles is for individuals to receive measles vaccinations.  This is typically given as a two-shot series containing the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine.  Measles vaccines can also consist of the measles, mumps, rubella and varicella (MMRV) vaccine.  No one older than 12 years of age should receive the MMRV vaccine.  The current medical recommendation from Germantown Primary Care Associates and their medical staff is that everyone age one year or older, receive two doses of the measles vaccine.

Why get measles vaccinations

Measles was extremely rare in the United States in the 1990s and even into the early 2000s.  Prior to a big push by the public health sector to get all school age children vaccinated, there were more than 55,000 cases of measles and 123 deaths from measles in the U.S from 1989 to 1991.  In 2004, there were only 37 cases of measles in the US and most of these cases originated outside the country. 

In 2011, the number of measles cases climbed to 222, with no deaths and that number climbed to 644 in 2014.  Most of these outbreaks of measles can be traced back to individuals who refuse to get measles vaccinations for either themselves or their children.  Dr. Manbir Takhar and the medical staff at Germantown Primary Care Associates recommends every child get the measles vaccine before they enter school.

Vaccinations are an important part of disease prevention. Call the medical team at Germantown Primary Care Associates in Germantown, Maryland today to set up your vaccinations

The best diagnostic testing for heart disease

Diagnostic testing,
Your physician can use diagnostic testing diagnose heart disease?

If you may have some type of heart disease, your primary care doctor will perform diagnostic testing to determine the problem.  Your doctor will also listen to your heart, check your blood pressure and take your heart rate. 

The EKG or electrocardiogram

One of the primary diagnostic tests used to determine heart disease is the EKG.  This type of diagnostic testing records the electrical activity in your heart.  The technician will attack small electrode patches to your arms, chest, and legs.    

The chest x-ray

Another type of diagnostic testing for heart disease is the chest x-ray.  This test uses a small amount of radiation to produce an image of your heart.  Your primary care doctor at Germantown Primary Care Associates will use the chest x-ray to evaluate your health and determine if you have heart disease. 

The exercise stress test

Another primary diagnostic tests used for testing for heart disease is the exercise stress test.  These tests are performed either by your doctor or a trained technician and will determine the amount of stress your heart can handle. 

The ECHO or echocardiogram

When heart disease is suspected, your primary care physician at Germantown Primary Care Associates in Germantown, Maryland may perform an ECHO test to determine if you have heart disease.  Your primary care physician may use this type of diagnostic testing to assess the overall function of your heart.

The physicians and staff at Germantown Primary Care Associates in Germantown, Maryland can conduct many types of diagnostic testing right in their state-of-the-art clinic.  Call Germantown Primary Care Associates the next time you need to see a physician for heart diagnostic testing